Hare: Captain Skidmark. (Simplified version of Sunday’s run)
ONON. After 100m turn L at jnc, cross over main road and proceed 200m to CP1 (3way check):
Turn R down alleyway for 250m to FT.
Return to CP. go straight to end of roadway, turn left down hill, at bottom turn R into car park.
At end of car park on RHS cross bridge over Dare River and turn R through cutting and along path for 300m to CP2 (2way check)
Take R footpath following a stream for 250m to FT.
Return to the Check. Continue straight along pathway for 500m to CP3 (2way check).
Take L fork uphill for 150m to FT.
Return to the check. Go straight for 300m passing waterfall on LHS and continue for a further 100m to a crossroads and CP4 (3way check).
Turn L uphill for 150m to FT.
Return to the check. Go straight and follow pathway through gate and uphill for 500m reaching the lake.
Follow the path around the lake counting the swans until 100% circuit completed (200m) and turn R on pathway downhill to join roadway.
Cross over road and follow path and on to CP5 (2way check) by small stream bridge next to lower lake.
Turn L uphill for 50m to FT.
Return to the check. Cross bridge and go straight with lake on RHS through gate and after 250m take R fork and after 150m vault over stile and continue for a further 400m until main track reached.
Checkback 50m. After crossing bridge follow path on RHS through horse paddock and finally after 200m a gate.
Follow the pathway behind housing for 600m to roadway at School and CP6 (2way check).
Turn L for 100m for FT.
Return to check. Turn R downhill and cross bridge at 200m then turn L following path crossing footbridge and back of houses for 250m.
Turn L where footpath divides to go between school and playing fields for 200m. At end of path turn R and continue on road for 200m until main road is reached.
Turn L and after 150m R at Lidl’s supermarket.
Turn R at end of road and then L and ON ON INN in Penybryn Street
(Should be 5km or thereabouts)
The Zoom circle will start promptly at 7pm, hosted by our magnificent GM, Ladyboy.
The link will be the same one every week, so please save it.
If you’ve not used the Zoom app before, follow one of the walkthroughs below to get started